Professional Technical Surveillance Countermeasures, TSCM , Eavesdropping Detection, Eavesdropping Detection, Debugging, Bug Sweeps for Home
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- Anti-Surveillance Services India
- Bug Detection Experts
- Electronics Bug Sweep Detection Services India
- Technical Surveillance Counter Measure
- Bugging Devices
- Bug sweep services India
- Best Bug Detector
- Bug Detection Services
- Debugging Services

Technical Surveillance Counter Measure
Electronic surveillance and the need to protect information are undisputed facts in business and government. The fear that the security threat evokes among executives is easily exploited by counter measure products and "experts" that claim the ability to detect all taps on phones and bugs in offices.
The fact is, surveillance is extremely difficult to detect. If such an attack is suspected, or is going to be avoided, the security executive must know what steps to take and what equipment options are available and practical for him.
The initial steps a director must take in confronting a surveillance problem and protecting information begin with some fundamental concepts of security. For example, physical security of the facility, surveys of vulnerability, and the savvy to know when expert advice or counter measure equipment are needed are all paramount tactics in protecting information.
If a director suspects a surveillance threat, experts advise that a vulnerability assessment be undertaken. The director must assess who or what is the potential target of attack, how valuable that target is, who is most likely to need that information and what resources they have to launch an attack
A Company Is Most Vulnerable to A Bugging Attack When:

A Company Is Most Vulnerable to A Bugging Attack When: A key executive leaves. Business expansion or reorganization plans

What to Do When You Think You Are Being Bugged:

Special precautions must be practiced if you suspect bugging or wiretapping. The following should be used as a general. rule if you believe you have been bugged.

What NOT to Do When You Think You Are Being Bugged:

Many TSCM Survey/Bug Sweeps have been compromised or ruined because the guidelines, below, were not followed. It is important that